Cupid is all over the place at Allison Academy!

Singing is a beautiful way to express love and sentiment – and this Valentine’s Day, our students have been very eager to express it to the audience!
Our choir never misses a chance to sing, and the holidays and special days are never ignored. As a matter of fact, they always offer students a great opportunity to give a theme performance and sing songs that get the listeners excited and in the mood for good feelings.
Regardless of whether you had a Valentine this year, the heartfelt performance of our school choir certainly made you feel love and exuberance. Because music will always make you feel connected to everyone who’s listening to it with you!
Ballads find their way to the heart
Valentine’s Day at Allison Academy is a special day and here at the school, we always make sure that this special day dedicated to love is celebrated accordingly – and that the vibe of romance is spread everywhere and to everyone!
The choir performance was very heartwarming and everyone who attended enjoyed it. The choir sang the most beautiful and popular songs about romance, love, and longing, and everyone felt like they were a part of a fairytale romance movie.
Our talented choir members dressed up for the occasion and wore outfits in red and pink with heart-shaped details in order to be in complete harmony with the V-Day vibe. Mr. George joined in with his guitar to make the performance complete as his strings played the most romantic melodies to support the choir!
As the last sounds of guitar strings pulled were heard and the choir finished their last ballad in front of the audience, a big round of applause followed to praise the performance. Mr. George and the choir took a bow and finished their inspiring musical show in great style!
Love is what you feel it to be
Love is a universal theme since everyone experienced it at some moment in their life – be it romantic love, family love, or friendship. There are as many kinds of love in this world as there are people – and everyone and everything can be your Valentine if you decide so.
Or in other words – if you feel it is.
Love doesn’t necessarily need to be about romance or being part of a couple. It can be about loving yourself, loving people in general, being passionate about a cause, loving animals – all this can be your Valentine if you perceive it that way.
The important thing to note is that it should make you feel good and in love.
Love is such a powerful emotion. That is why Allison Academy celebrated this special day this way – by praising the beautiful connection we all have with each other in our school and which binds the love of our school community to this great feeling through a musical performance.