Taking on responsibilities and being a valuable community member are qualities of the utmost importance that we aim to develop in Allison’s students! Being a responsible citizen that values partnership and community involvement are key attributes that every human being in this world has to develop in order to create a better world where everyone helps each other.

This week Allison Academy organized its annual blood drive in order to spread awareness that each blood donation has a potential to save up to three lives! As the Big Red Bus showed up on Allison Academy’s grounds, students exercised their power to save lives and volunteered to become blood donors. To ensure their contribution to better humanity has been recognized, the students were presented with fleece blankets, pizza and community service hours.
Raising awareness
The main thing about donating blood is that it saves lives. To save one life is an accomplishment – then imagine saving three!
Allison Academy’s annual blood drive campaign is held in order to highlight the importance of donating blood and maintaining steady supplies. It teaches students to be selfless and that giving blood is a way to be benevolent and charitable toward their community.
The Big Red Bus visits Allison in order to give students an opportunity to become heroes of the day. Many of our students answered the call and donated their blood, feeling awesome later on about their donation. That way, they not only gave a helping hand to someone in need, but also felt a great sense of accomplishment as responsible citizens.
Allison’s awareness-raising actions are there to show students that donating blood is a ethically and practically sound choice and that choosing to do it brings many great valuable things that mean a lot to both the donors and the recipients of blood. Students even have the opportunity to track their blood donation and see which hospital it ends up at.
Many health benefits for donors
Donating blood has a lot of great benefits for the donor, but they are not mentioned vey often. That is why we are about to clear that up!
It is known in medical circles that giving blood significantly reduces the risk of heart attack, almost by 88% percent! This is connected to the chance to identify high levels of iron in the blood while donating, as they can be harmful for health. Donation is a way to reduce iron levels in the body in a healthy way. Giving blood also reduces the risk of developing cancer, helps the liver stay healthy and boosts mental health – by giving donors a sense of accomplishment for helping people in need.
Allison Academy, besides offering its students quality education, always strives to help them develop into great people with a strong sense of humanitarian values.