We hope this test will give you an opportunity to express your opinion about education and find out whether Allison Academy is the right place for your child.

Based on you answers, you will receive a professional assessment in no later than 24 hours.

    1. What do you expect the school to offer to you and your child?
    You may select several answers.

  • Other

    2. The professional future of your child depends on the quality of the education it receives.
    Select one answer.

    3. What do you consider to be essential for good education?
    You may select several answers.

  • Other

    4. If a school has quality learning aids and good infrastructure, this can motivate students to get better marks.
    Select one answer.

    5. The quality of a lesson depends on:
    Rank the answers from 1 (least important) to 5 (most important)

    Lesson content
    Teachers’ expertise
    Learning aids
    Quality of textbooks
    Students’ motivation

    6. Teachers who teach at the school should be chosen according to their:
    You may select several answers.

  • Other

    7. Quality education requires teachers who are:
    Rank the answers from 1 (least important) to 5 (most important)


    8. Holistic education is very important for further education.
    Select one answer.

    9. When you are thinking about good education the most important thing is when
    You may select several answers.

  • Other

    10. Which of these extra-curricular activities are important to you and your child?
    You may select several answers.

    11. Which of these additional services are important to you and your child?
    You may select several answers.

    12. The student’s physical development is just as important as their academic skills.
    Select one answer.

    13. Life skills are just as important for the child as academic skills.
    Select one answer.

    14. It is important that parents have insight into their child’s development and behaviour by accessing the e-diary.
    Select one answer.

    15. It is important that parents have insight into their child’s development and behaviour by communicating with the child’s teacher.
    Select one answer.

    16. High-quality private schools are for rich people’s children only.
    Select one answer.

    17. Who “stands” behind the school is important.
    Select one answer.

    18. Do you believe that Allison Academy is the right place for your child?
    Select one answer.

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    Kseniia Galustian

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