Basic provisions
Article 1
Regulations on Health and Safety of the students in Allison Academy prescribe the measures, manner and procedures regarding the protection, health and safety of students of the School during educational and all other activities organised by the School, the manner of their implementation, and the liability of teachers and students for failure to comply with the provisions of these Regulations.
Article 2
These Regulations serve to ensure the students’ right to protection and safety:
- in the school building and on the school grounds;
- outside the school building and grounds – during educational, or other curricular or extracurricular activities organized by the School.
Article 3
Students have the right to safety and protection from:
- actions taken by others;
- illness and injuries;
- risk and harm during the course of their education at the School;
- fire, flood, natural disasters and other natural phenomena that may endanger their safety.
Article 4
In their daily interactions with students, and especially during homeroom sessions, teachers are obligated to familiarize students with the dangers they may face during their stay at the School and during other activities organized by the School, as well as with ways to avoid or eliminate those dangers by reviewing emergency procedures.
Article 5
All employees of the School, students, parents or legal guardians of the students (hereinafter: Parents) and third parties who find themselves in the school building, on the school grounds, or other places where instruction and other activities organized by the School occur are obligated to comply with the provisions of these Regulations.
Article 6
Failure to comply with any of the measures, methods and procedures regarding the protection and safety prescribed in these Regulations shall be considered a serious violation of the workplace requirements, and shall institute disciplinary proceedings.
Disciplinary liability of the employees does not exclude criminal and substantive liability.
Deliberate non-observance of the safety rules and measures specified in these Regulations by the students shall be considered a serious violation of the student obligations which institutes a disciplinary procedure.
Article 7
Employees, parents, and students are obligated to report any occurrence which, in their view, may represent a potential danger to student safety to the administration, school counselor, teacher, or other authorized person.
Article 8
The Principal is specifically obligated to occasionally and without prior notice, at least once a month, check if the measures for the protection and safety of students are being implemented.
The failure to implement the measures for the protection and safety of students prescribed in these Regulations is a reason for fair dismissal of the Principal.
Article 9
The School is obligated to cooperate with the state bodies, municipal bodies, and other entities and competent authorities if such cooperation is needed to ensure and implement the measures prescribed in these Regulations.
Article 10
Provisions of other general acts of the School relevant for the protection and safety of students shall apply accordingly to these Regulations and provisions defined in it.
Students’ Health and Administering Medication
Article 11
State Health Department Laws mandate that EVERY student have a physician signed copy of the current Certificate of Good Health (HRS Form 3040 and Florida Certificate of Immunization, including a TB test (HRS Form 680) in their file before starting school.
Article 12
When a student is enrolled, parents sign a Parental Permission for Medication form, which specifies what medications the student may take, and what, if any, medications are prescribed by a physician.
All medications must be turned into the administration office before school. No student is permitted to have any medications with them at school.
No student will be given medication of any kind unless parents have signed the permission form to approve the medication. Any medication, except for emergencies, will be administered between classes or during the student’s lunch period.
Article 13
All medications are stored in a secure place in the administration office. The basic over-the-counter medications available for students include Tylenol, Aspirin, Advil, Tums, Pepto-Bismol, cough drops, allergy caplets, etc.
Prescription medications that have been sent in by parents for their students’ need to be stored in the administration office as well.
The medications are administered only by an administrator between classes or during lunch. The date, time, and medication taken by a student is always written in the medication logbook and requires the student’s signature as well. The logbook is held in the administration office along with the medications.
Protection from Illness and Injury
Article 14
To ensure the protection and safety of students against illness and infection, the School:
- shall make sure the cleanliness and hygiene of the school premises are in compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regulations and measures;
- shall act in accordance with the health measures specified by the competent authorities;
- in the event of any perceived health change in a student, the School shall inform the parents, undertake emergency measures if necessary, or provide first aid to the student without delay, and inform the competent healthcare institution;
- shall inform the parents of the student whose health condition was deemed potentially dangerous for other students and employees according to the assessment of the school employees;
- shall conduct practical lesson components in accordance with the academic guidelines.
Article 15
To ensure student safety and protection against injury, the School:
- shall procure and install school furniture, teaching aids and other objects which have been deemed safe to use and which comply with the students’ psycho-physical needs;
- shall implement the standards and norms pertaining to school premises, number of students per class, and other requirements needed for professional practice of its activities;
- shall provide constant supervision of the teachers and expert associates during the use of devices or objects that may potentially cause injury, as well as during activities that pose a potential risk of injury.
Article 16
It is the parents’ responsibility to get their child whose health conditions are such as to pose a potential risk to other students to an appropriate medical examination, not sending him/her to school or other activities organized by the School until he/she receives a clean bill of health from their doctor.
Responsibilities of teachers, class teachers and subject teachers, and all other employees, as well as parents, reception and movement of people visiting the school, the smoking ban, prohibition referring to the possession and carrying of explosives and other dangerous objects are defined in the School Code of Conduct.
Protection from Fire, Flood, Electric Shock, Lightning Strike and Other Dangerous Phenomena
Article 17
Fire and emergency drill evacuation routes are posted in classrooms. The signal to evacuate will be an intermittent bell ringing or the building alarm sounding off.
Students are to evacuate quietly and as quickly as possible to the area designated and posted beside each classroom exit door.
Teachers will check their rolls at the designated areas and signal with a green card – all present, or red card- student absent. Students and teachers are to return to classrooms and buildings when the all-clear signal is given.
In the event of evacuation for other emergencies, the same procedure as for fire drills will be used. If the students must leave the building for an extended time, the students will be walked to the Fulford Methodist Church, 1900 NE 164th St., located east of the school on the south side corner of NE 19th Ave. and 164th. This building is a designated safe space.
Setting off, damaging, defacing, or in any way disturbing fire alarms or fire-fighting equipment, except during emergencies is a felony and will result in a ten (10) day suspension with the possibility for expulsion and /or legal action.
Article 18
To ensure safety and protection against flood and/or sewage overflow, the School shall hire a licensed professional to check the integrity of water and sewer pipes, and undertake the necessary measures in case of observed changes that may potentially endanger the safety of students and employees of the School.
All employees and students are obligated to inform the administration without delay about any observed changes on the water supply or the sewage system which may endanger the safety of students and employees of the school.
Article 19
To ensure safety and protection against electric shock, the School will hire a licensed professional to check the integrity of electrical wiring, and undertake the necessary measures in case of observed changes that may endanger the safety of students and employees of the School.
All employees and students are obligated to inform the administration without delay about any observed changes on the electrical wiring which may endanger the safety of students and employees of the School.
Article 20
Devices, other objects and substances used in teaching, for maintaining hygiene or for other purposes must be kept out of reach of unauthorized persons if they are deemed potentially dangerous to the life and health of students
Article 21
To ensure safety and protection against lightning strikes, the School shall hire a licensed professional to check the integrity of the lightning protection system in accordance with the regulations.
All employees and students are obligated to inform the administration about any observed changes on the lightning protection system that may endanger its integrity and functioning.
Article 22
Safety and protection from other dangerous objects or phenomena shall be exercised pursuant to Articles 18-21 of these Regulations.
Safety and Protection on the Way to and from School
Article 23
The School is not responsible nor can be held accountable for the protection of student health and safety on the way from home to school and vice versa, nor for their safety on the way from home to locations where certain teaching activities are to be held in cases when the School does not provide transport.
In cases referred to in paragraph 1, responsibility for the safety and protection of students rests entirely on their parents.
The School, i.e. teaching staff, are obligated to implement all the necessary measures for the protection of student health and safety when teaching is organized on the premises of other institutions, in cooperation with the employees of the said institutions.
Safety and Protection Outside the School Premises, in Class and During Other Activities Organized by the School
Article 24
Protection and safety of students during school trips, as well as during other activities outside the school building and the school grounds are regulated by the basic provisions of these Regulations, and the provisions about the protection and safety of students while in the school building and on the school grounds apply accordingly.
Responsibilities of the School with Regard to the Protection Against Discrimination, Abuse, Neglect, Political Participation and Activity
Article 25
This form of student safety and protection is achieved through compliance with the School Code of Conduct and activities of the school expert team for protection against discrimination, violence, neglect and abuse.
Article 26
Discrimination of a person or persons implies any direct or indirect, open or covert exclusion or restriction of one’s rights and freedoms, unequal treatment or failure to act, as well as unjust discrimination through favouritism or partiality. The School prohibits activities that aim to endanger, ridicule, discriminate or set apart students, their parents, employees or any other person or persons overtly or covertly based on their: race, nationality, ethnicity, status of a migrant or refugee, language, religion or gender, gender identity or sexual orientation, physical or psychological traits, developmental disorder or disability, health status, age, social or cultural background, conviction, family and marital status, financial status, political affiliation, political or union membership, or based on other real or assumed personal characteristics, or other grounds.
Special measures introduced to ensure full equality, protection and promotion of persons, or groups of persons who are in an unequal position are not considered acts of discrimination.
Article 27
Violence and abuse imply any form of one-off or repeated verbal or non-verbal behaviour resulting in a real or potential threat to the health, development and dignity of a student.
Neglect and negligence is a failure of the School or its employees to provide the conditions for the unhindered development of a student.
The School is obligated to immediately report any signs of violence, abuse or neglect among students to the competent authority.
Article 28
Physical violence implies: physical punishment of a student by an employee, parent or a third person carried out on the School premises; any behaviour that may result in actual or potential physical injury of a student or employee; violent behaviour of an employee toward a student, student to another student, or an employee.
Mental or psychological abuse implies any behaviour that may cause an immediate or permanent threat to one’s emotional and psychological health and dignity.
Social abuse is the exclusion of a student or a group of students from various School activities.
Sexual abuse and molestation implies all forms of harassing, soliciting or coercing a student to engage in sexual activities he or she does not want, does not understand, or is not mature enough for, or exploiting students for prostitution, pornography and other forms of sexual exploitation.
Digital violence or abuse is the misuse of information and communication technologies to cause harm to another person, or their dignity, and implies sending emails, texts, MMS, communication on a website, chat rooms, forums, social networks and other forms of digital communication.
The School is obligated to report any form of violence, abuse or neglect by a parent or a third party committed on the School premises to the competent authority.
Article 29
The School prohibits any conduct that offends the reputation, honour or dignity – either of an employee toward a student, student to an employee, parent or a third party toward an employee, employee toward a parent, or student toward another student.
The Principal is in obligation to undertake the appropriate measures and activities within the School jurisdiction within three days upon learning about a violation of the prohibitions specified in paragraph 1 of this Article.
Technology and Internet Safety
Article 30
Allison Academy is pleased to provide internet access to students and to supply computers for students’ use during the school day. The sole purpose of our computing facilities is to support academic endeavors. Students must be aware of the legal and moral responsibility for ethical conduct in the use of technology. Allison Academy’s computer systems are subject to all applicable federal, state, and international computer laws, which may be referenced online in the Florida State Statutes and the Florida Computer Crimes Act.
The students will be able to access their textbooks, workbooks, worksheets, and relevant video presentations. Each student must purchase a USB storage device (thumb drive, pen drive) to store any information that is vital to their academic requirement. The following guideline must be adhered to:
- Computers are for academic purposes only and are to be used for teacher related learning activities.
- Using computers in school for anything other than school-related business will be a violation of school policy, and violations could result in a suspension or expulsion from school.
- Social networking sites are never to be accessed in class and/or at school.
- Personal email accounts may not be accessed for sending or receiving emails.
- Teachers will assign computers to students for class use. It is the responsibility of each student to handle the assigned computer carefully and responsibly.
- Accessing or attempting to access another student’s data or information without proper authorization is prohibited.
- Violating federal copyright laws or the Allison Academy policy is prohibited.
- Students will turn their assigned computers in at the end of each class.
Personal computers are not permitted at school.
Article 31
Students must turn in their cell phones to the administration every morning in the lunchroom before attending class or to the main office after 1st period has begun. The phones are filed in an expandable file in a zip lock plastic bag labeled with the student’s name. The phones remain in a secure office until the end of the school day when the phones are returned to the students.
If any student is caught using their phone on school grounds, their phones will automatically be confiscated and turned into the office. It will then be the responsibility of the parent to come and pick up the phone no matter the number of occurrences.
Allison Academy does not take responsibility for mobile phones and therefore is not liable if the mobile phone is lost, damaged or stolen. That responsibility lies with the student.
Article 32
Audio and video cameras are installed in all public areas of the building, and on the exterior. The cameras are for the purpose of security and will only be reviewed at the discretion of the administration or by an outside professional.
There is no privacy throughout the public area of the school except in the restrooms.
Final Provisions
Article 33
Link Group North America, LLC reserves the right to modify, amend, delete, or add to this handbook at any time as it deems necessary.
Kseniia Galustian
Contact Kseniia for all enrollment information!