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Allison Academy – where everyone is safe

Bullying in and out of schools is a problem that requires joint action by the state, educational institutions and parents. Finding ways to prevent bullying and/or reduce bullying is among the greatest challenges faced by educational institutions in the 21st century. This is why Allison Academy has developed awareness and prevention methods to ward off any form of bullying and promote school safety.

Prevention of Bullying

Allison Academy is committed to maintaining a school climate in which all members of our community are treated with respect and dignity. School bullying undermines these objectives and will not be tolerated. In addition, in certain circumstances, perpetrators of such behavior could find themselves subjected to criminal proceedings.

Bullying can include but is not limited to remarks, rumors, threats, gestures, physical contact, the display or transmission of images, written, verbal or electronic statements or other acts that are unwelcome or demeaning with respect to appearance, gender, race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability or other characteristics. Students whose statements or actions, on or off campus, constitute disrespect, mockery, intimidation, harassment or bullying (including cyber-bullying) will be subject to disciplinary consequences.

What is bullying in school?

Bullying is negative, unwanted, aggressive behavior and abuse among school aged children that is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying behavior includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. When a child is being bullied it can have a tremendous impact on them and can negatively affect their mental health and well-being. So, that is why it is so important to watch out for warning signs that they give out. Some examples of warning signs could be anxiety, falling school grades, not wanting to go to school, etc.

There are four types of bullying:

Prevention at school – Why is there no bullying at Allison Academy?

1. Healthy and secure environment

At Allison Academy we have established a culture of inclusion and respect that welcomes all students. Our students are surrounded by educators who possess an excellent level of practical knowledge, empathy and who set the tone of respect in and out of the classroom.  During the time students spend out of class, they are safe as well, because the teachers and other school staff are always present, involved, and monitoring to make sure students are interacting safely.

2. We stand together with parents against bullying prevention

Preventing bullying needs to be a joint effort between home and school. Parents regularly receive notifications from the school about their child’s academic results and behavior, and at the first sign of a problem or conflict among the students or friends, the parents are informed. They are also invited to inform the school if they notice any strange behavior or warning signs, whether they may suspect bullying or another problem.

3. Workshops and building the students’ emotional stability

Material concerned with the prevention of bullying is integrated into the school’s curriculum. Workshops on inclusion, tolerance and respect are organized by the School Psychology or Counseling Departments and presented by the school’s psychologist and/or school counselor. Creating a climate where bullying is strongly condemned, while simultaneously teaching the students to respect everyone’s differences.

4. Preparations for a situation outside the school

Other schools’ experiences have shown that children’s violent behavior is often manifested outside of school – on the streets, in parks, or other public spaces where students spend their free time. Thus, it is important for the students to prepare for out of school situations as well. Allison Academy does this by focusing on this in workshops, through developing interpersonal relations based on tolerance, understanding, and respect.

Students’ safety comes first

Any student who feels he or she or any other student has been the subject of bullying or retaliation and are bullying victims should immediately report the matter to his or her teacher or the director. Student reports of bullying may be made anonymously, although no disciplinary action will be taken against a student solely based on an anonymous report. Any staff member who has witnessed or otherwise become aware of any bullying or retaliation also must report it to the director.

** The disciplinary actions that may be taken against a bully for bullying or retaliation include the full range of disciplinary sanctions for other forms of student misconduct, up to and including dismissal from the school. In taking disciplinary action, the school will strive to balance the need for accountability with the need to teach appropriate behavior.

If the Head of School determines that a student has knowingly made a false accusation of bullying or retaliation, she will take appropriate disciplinary action.

** This policy also may be found in the Student Handbook.

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