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You can support Allison Academy’s mission and important work of the school in a variety of rewarding and meaningful ways.

Throughout its history, Allison Academy has relied on the generosity of its alumni, parents, and friends to support our goal to bring the best possible educational experience to our students. We are deeply grateful to all who give so generously at every level to make Allison Academy the very special place that it is.

Teachers and students of Allison Academy

Your donation makes a difference

With your generous and worthy support, Allison can provide tuition assistance, support professional development, and enhance academics, arts and athletic programs. Because of your generosity students will be able to have even greater learning opportunities. Together we can provide our students with an education that will help them reach their full potential.

Choose your cause

You may designate the use of your gift (eg. athletic programs, arts, library, IT), or make your contribution as a general gift with no restrictions. While we really appreciate designated gifts, unrestricted gifts are also important because they allow the school to direct the funds to where they are needed most and can have the greatest impact. Either way we are grateful for your kind support.

United for our students

Investing in our students’ future is the most important and the safest investment because it has a powerful impact on the future of our children and future of the world in general. That is why it is important to always strive to improve learning opportunities and the school environment. Here at Allison Academy we are committed to that goal and with your help we can succeed at it.

All the students and Allison Academy staff appreciate your support.

Kseniia Galustian

Contact Kseniia for all enrollment information!

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