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Happy to give back to the community

Community service has been a hallmark of Allison since its earliest days.

The Principal urges students and faculty alike to pursue opportunities to give back to their communities. She expects everyone, in some way, to “…contribute to the common good.”

Allison Academy is a part of North Miami community service

All students participate in a wide range of community service activities. In addition, faculty are encouraged and supported in their pursuits of community involvement.

In the spring of 1991, the State of Florida passed the Pupil Progression Plan with a rule that states that all high school students are required to serve 75 community service hours in order to receive a diploma upon graduation. This established community service as a stand-alone graduation requirement.

An Amazing Altruistic Experience

Involvement in community service is a must at Allison Academy, not only to meet the State requirements for graduation, but more importantly to instill empathy for others and to develop citizenship and responsibility. We find that students gain a lot from the experience of giving to others, which is surprising to them because they have no expectations of gain.

At Allison Academy, we suggest that each student perform a minimum of 20 hours each year and recommend using Friday afternoons for this purpose.

While many activities are annual and traditional, there are others that are discovered each year and which attract the attention of students and staff.

Kseniia Galustian

Contact Kseniia for all enrollment information!

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