As we near the end of the term, Allison Academy classrooms are bursting with energy and productivity!

Academics and learning are in full bloom, and our oh-so-smart students are not intending to stop working on projects, at least not until they are satisfied with the results. And as we got used to it, at Allison the ambition bar is set high, and creativity can only rise from it!
What we adore at Allison Academy is how enthusiastic students are when showing off their skills – it means the world to them to be able to channel their creativity and be passionate about taking on different challenges and exploring new areas of study.
Have a sneak peek at how our students have fun while doing classroom projects, embracing the most modern learning through games, presentations and teamwork.
Law class, but make it a challenge
This week the competition fired up as Allison Academy students in law class reviewed law terminology and concepts through trivia. The students challenged themselves and their classmates about some basic terms, but also showed their extensive knowledge of other, more complex ones. The students have shown the true lawyer spirit in class, and some of them even sounded like knowledgeable attorneys!
Allison Academy students always love trivia games – not only it makes them flex with random facts in the field, but it also stimulates their thinking process, thereby letting them exercise quick thinking.
We proudly present: The science show
The science class is always working on something. The special thing about it is that it is never ever about the plain facts – Allison Academy students at all times have interesting projects they are working on. This week, they continued to advance their studies from cell biology, to organisms and organ systems, by creating engaging presentations and exhibiting their knowledge in various creative ways.
By presenting projects and powerpoints about themes they have learned in class, students had the opportunity to reinforce concepts, develop their public speaking abilities, and connect with peers as they acted as teachers and models for information for their assigned units.
Robot invasion!
High school robotics classes may sound simple, but they are everything but basic! Allison students in robotics class have exercised their programming skills by designing and calibrating their robots’ movement, which was followed by an exciting practice run before formal assessments take place next week. We can’t wait for this to happen, and to be able to see robots rolling down our hallways as they make their way from the classroom to the principal’s office!
The robotics club is one of the clubs Allison Academy is most proud of – not only are they interesting, fun, creative and mind-engaging, but we most surely believe there are some future IT wizards developing in the crew there! Robotics helps students develop their logical and computer skills, and also teamwork and innovative thinking, which is essential for creating a successful career in their future careers.