Making summer break a productive time with North Miami Beach opportunities
Allison Academy strives to constantly create new opportunities that will help our students in their career development. We closed out January by focusing on summer break. Leaders from The City of North Miami Beach visited our school and presented summer volunteer and employment opportunities for our students. As we look ahead at summer break we like to ensure our students have the resources and knowledge of opportunities to make the summer break a positive and productive time!

Ready to shine on stage - preparations for the upcoming talent show are underway!
The Allison Academy band has been relentlessly practicing for our talent show and upcoming performances. Our annual talent show gives students an opportunity to showcase a skill or talent that we do not get to experience in everyday interactions. Talents range from jokes, tricks, to musical and art performances. Students from all grades are welcome to join and we wish all of them the best of luck!

A big celebration we all look forward to: February Honor Roll Breakfast
Finally, as we completed quarter two and begin the third term of the school year we look forward to opportunities to motivate our students to maintain focus on their academic achievements! Our Student’s academic prowess will be honored once more with the honor roll breakfast in the month of February. Students who earned an ‘A/B’ or ‘A’ average will enjoy a breakfast feast with their peers in celebration of their hard work and effort.