Everyone at Allison Academy had an extra memorable and happy Thanksgiving!

The holiday season has come with great spirits and our students welcomed this special time merrily by having a blast during the Thanksgiving Feast. This time of the year is dedicated to reflecting on what we’re thankful for and helping those in need – which is essential for maintaining the Allison spirit!
Have a sneak peek at how we celebrated this special holiday and made the tradition extra special this year!
A very special tradition
This week flew by as the whole school contributed to preparations for our first Thanksgiving Feast since the beginning of COVID-19. Having been through such unfortunate circumstances, this year’s Thanksgiving was especially significant, and our students used the opportunity to be thankful and celebrate more than before, contributing to a very successful feast for everyone who participated in the celebration.
The feast was bountiful with various dishes and desserts prepared by the students and their parents, who all enjoyed the food and the atmosphere. The parents and families were welcomed wholeheartedly; they ate and hung out with the students, meeting their children’s friends and classmates, and sharing the gleeful spirits of the holiday!
Allison Academy gives special thanks to the parents who helped out serving students, preparing food, and helping with the dishes after the festivities. Our students will have the week of Thanksgiving off to spend valuable time with their families and loved ones.
Sharing the abundance
Everything we do at Allison Academy is inadvertently bound to the values we teach our students in order to help them develop into incredible and great young people. Instilling the values of helping out our community and those in need is always at heart in all the activities at Allison Academy.
Thanks to the collective efforts of our Allison Academy families, we were able to fill the van and donate to help those in need during this holiday season. As such, students loaded our school van with supplies and canned goods from our Thanksgiving Drive and drove off to drop them off at a local food bank.
At Allison we are very proud and so grateful for the altruism of our students – holidays such as Thanksgiving may not be the only time when they show their gratitude and generosity, but it certainly is the occasion when Allison Academy represents high social conscience which is something we always strive for.
We are thankful for all the families who entrust their child’s education, health, and well-being to our faculty and staff at Allison Academy and we would like to wish all a wonderful Thanksgiving and upcoming holidays.
And do not forget – it is always the right time to be thankful for everything that makes your life fortunate, and to help those who are less fortunate!