Senior Graduation is a truly significant occasion as it acknowledges the achievements of the graduating class of 2023, and highlights the result of our multidisciplinary learning environment and personalized approach to education. As students walked across the stage they had the full support of the audience – students, parents, family, faculty, honorable guests and the entire Allison Academy community. Our graduates not only excelled academically but also demonstrated exceptional character and leadership, embraced challenges, nurtured their talents, and became individuals ready to enroll in desired colleges!

Inspirational speech and wise advice from the guest of honor - David Lawrence Jr.
We were especially honored to have the esteemed David Lawrence Jr. as our commencement speaker. David Lawrence Jr. addressed the students, sharing valuable advice and guiding principles for their future. He advised students about being idealists and optimists saying “I want you to know that pessimists accomplished very little in this world. I want you to believe in the good in other people. A lot of people… have low expectations of other human beings. I expect my children to be good people and they are!” David Lawrence Jr. also commented “I don’t want you to think much about making money. I’m not telling you to be impoverished, I’m simply telling you that I think money is not a great turn-on for people and we live in a very showy time and you can see it very largely in the community in which we live.” Lawrence’s advice was extremely meaningful for seniors as he talked about finding and working at a job they truly love, finding a higher purpose in life, and finding joy in a lifetime of learning. He described the importance of reading books, quoting Dr. Seuss: “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Finally, Lawrence reminded the students to dream big and never miss a moment to tell somebody you love them. These words were touching to our students and all in attendance on this momentous occasion.
A moment to reflect and celebrate the graduate's accomplishments - Education and school life from their point of view
Allison Academy’s 2023 Senior Graduation was a day filled with emotions and joy. The ceremony served as a testament to the academic programs, professional teaching staff, and supportive learning environment that shaped the graduates into well-rounded individuals, prepared for the challenges of the future. Each graduate had an opportunity to hold a speech and reflect on their transformative educational journey.
Nick, has been a part of Allison’s community since 6th grade, he reflected:
“Thanks to the outstanding support of the faculty and the school, my parents, family and my peers, I was able to transform into the honors student that I am today. So I will always be thankful for that. I am happy to say that my high school years were some of the best I have ever had!”
Lucrezia, an International student from Italy, highlighted not only her education journey, but also on her experience moving to another country, all by herself:
“When I first came here I was super afraid about speaking English, making new friends and starting a whole new life, all by myself. But it took me a short time to realize that I’m not on my own. I would like to thank all my teachers for being by my side since the first day. I would also like to thank my dad and my best friends for being with me. Last, but not least I would like to thank the people that I have met here – they are the most amazing friends that I could ever ask for. This was an amazing experience for me, thanks to Allison Academy!”
Throughout speeches emotional graduates recalled fondly the friendships they forged, the knowledge gained, and the invaluable life lessons imparted by their teachers. It was a time to recognize the collective effort and support that contributed to their success. Armed with knowledge, skills and a strong sense of purpose, they are ready to embark on their chosen paths – pursuing higher education at desired colleges. Graduates are ready for a new chapter of their lives! We wish them continued success, and look forward to them staying in touch with us, visiting, and perhaps even joining our team.