One of the most fun and high-spirited days of the entire school year has finally come!

On this special day, we finally got to enjoy the Annual Holiday Show performance, in an incredibly good mood, with some joyful music and pure holiday vibes. Allison Academy’s choir members put on an awe-inspiring performance of holiday classics, wonderfully serenading their peers, parents, and faculty members.
The students practiced hard for the performance this year – and it shows, as the show was a total success and everyone enjoyed it!
Check out how much fun we had at the concert!
High Christmas vibes
The choir members made sure to deliver to the spectators the best choice of Christmas carols, as well some more recent favorites, which put everyone who attended the show in the highest holiday spirits thus far!
The favorite Christmas song of our students in the choir is definitely “Last Christmas” – and you could hear them practicing it quite some time ago! And that is exactly what made the final delivery of the song so perfect!
The show went smoothly as the students perfectly synchronized their singing to create a shining performance for the school community. They connected with the audience in a big way, inspiring the Christmas atmosphere, which spread over the whole school.
Through their practice and hard work, these students deliver strong performances time after time. Spectators joined in on the fun singing, clapping, dancing, and cheering the performers on.
Choir inspires so many great things in our students!
Holidays are happening at the moment and the feelings are heightened in all of the abundance and love, but the main thing that connects us and brings us all together in great vibes is – music!
Allison Academy’s choir club has always been the source of inspiration and an incredible sense of community brought together by the school values. Because we strive to encourage humanistic values, a sense of belonging and overall great vibes in the classrooms and hallways, by participating in this club, our students learn about the ways music can make an impact on others.
The Annual Holiday Show performance is a regularly scheduled event at our school and it always affirms to everyone that being focused more on the connection between the performers and the audience, and less on the perfection of the delivery – because perfection does not exist – brings out the best in everyone who attends the performance.
The carefully selected choice of popular and loved Christmas songs does not hurt either, though!
The Allison Academy choir club wishes you a very happy New Year, and to always feel inspired by the music the way we do at our school!