Basic provisions
Article 1
The Code of Conduct (hereinafter: Code) regulates the behaviour of employees, students, parents or legal guardians of students (hereinafter: Parents), and third parties at the Allison Academy (hereinafter: School).
Article 2
The rules explained in the Code of Conduct are based on honesty, self-respect, respect for others and respect for property. Students are responsible for their own conduct and are given support and guidance in developing decision-making skills for responsible behaviour.
Compliance with the Code ensures the successful realisation of the School’s educational activities, improves discipline and safety at the School, safeguards the School’s property and the property of students, employees, parents and third parties and contributes to the reputation of the School.
The Code of Conduct promotes the core values of the School’s mission and vision, including integrity, respect, responsibility and accountability, and sense of community for students, teachers, parents and all other parties included in the educational process.
Article 3
The School fosters relationships based on mutual understanding and respect toward students, employees and parents.
Employees have a duty to contribute to the development of a positive working environment in the School through their work and overall behaviour.
Article 4
Behaviour aimed at endangering, ridiculing, discriminating or setting apart students, their parents, employees or any other person or persons overtly or covertly based on their: race, nationality, ethnicity, status of a migrant or refugee, language, religion or gender, gender identity or sexual orientation, physical or psychological traits, developmental disorder or disability, health status, age, social or cultural background, conviction, family and marital status, financial status, political affiliation, political or union membership, or based on other real or assumed personal characteristics is prohibited in the School.
Special measures introduced to ensure full equality, protection and promotion of persons, or groups of persons who are in an unequal position are not considered acts of discrimination.
Article 5
The School prohibits the following behaviour toward employees, students, children, parents or third parties:
1. discrimination and discriminatory behaviour;
2. physical, mental, social, sexual, digital and any other form of violence and abuse;
3. abuse and neglect;
4. behaviour that violates and threatens one’s dignity, reputation or honour;
5. any form of political organization and activism that is not in accordance with the education institution.
Article 6
Violence and abuse imply any form of one-off or repeated verbal or non-verbal behaviour resulting in a real or potential threat to the health, development and dignity of a student.
Neglect and negligence is a failure of the School or its employees to provide the conditions for the unhindered development of a student.
All harassment complaints, including sexual harassment, will be addressed by the administration immediately and thoroughly. Swift, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken to prevent harassment of any individual.
The School is obligated to immediately report any signs of violence, abuse or neglect among students to the competent authority.
Article 7
Physical violence implies: physical punishment of a student by an employee, parent or a third person carried out on the School premises; any behaviour that may result in actual or potential physical injury of a student or employee; violent behaviour of an employee toward a student, student to another student, or an employee.
Mental or psychological abuse implies any behaviour that may cause an immediate or permanent threat to one’s emotional and psychological health and dignity.
Social abuse is the exclusion of a student or a group of students from various School activities.
Sexual abuse and molestation implies all forms of harassing, soliciting or coercing a student to engage in sexual activities he or she does not want, does not understand, or is not mature enough for, or exploiting students for prostitution, pornography and other forms of sexual exploitation.
Digital violence or abuse is the misuse of information and communication technologies to cause harm to another person, or their dignity, and implies sending emails, texts, MMS, communication on a website, chat rooms, forums, social networks and other forms of digital communication.
The School is obligated to immediately report any signs of violence, abuse or neglect among students to the competent authority.
Article 8
The School prohibits all forms of violence and abuse defined in the Code and committed by a student or parent against a teacher, expert associate or other employee.
Violation of any of the provisions referred in paragraph 1 of this Article by a parent shall initiate either offence charges or criminal charges.
The administration is in obligation to undertake the appropriate measures and activities within the School jurisdiction immediately after learning about a violation of the prohibitions from paragraph 1 of this Article.
Article 9
Students who violate the Code of Conduct, student obligations, or any of the prohibitions stated above shall be treated in accordance with the measures specified by this Code.
Article 10
The School prohibits all forms of political activism or organisation, as well as the use of the school premises for this purpose.
Employee conduct
Article 11
Employees are obligated to contribute to the reputation of the School and the development of a positive atmosphere at the School with their work, overall conduct and appearance.
Article 12
All employees are obligated:
1. to arrive at work regularly and on time, and to register all their activities;
2. to perform their professional duties in a consistent and conscientious manner;
3. to duly inform the administration about their inability to come to work;
4. to refrain from actions that may violate the rights of students and/or other individuals;
5. to make sure students and employees are able to exercise their rights, and fulfil obligations and responsibilities;
6. to report any violation of the students’ or employees’ rights to the school administration;
7. to arrive at work suitably dressed during curricular and extracurricular activities;
8. to abstain from alcohol or other substances that may affect their ability to work before and during working hours;
9. to abstain from smoking on the School premises;
10. to fulfil their professional duties;
11. not to bring weapons, or other dangerous objects that may inflict injuries, endanger the lives of students and employees or cause damage to the School property to the School premises;
12. not to use mobile phones or other devices that may interrupt the teaching process on the premises of the School, except when said devices are used for educational purposes;
13. not to damage property of the School, students, other employees, parents of third parties;
14. to use the School assets, equipment and consumables for official purposes only;
15. not to take out school records, other documents, school assets, equipment or consumables outside the School premises without the permission of the administration;
16. not to make unauthorised recordings on the School premises;
17. to ensure the equipment and school assets used by the students in curricular and extracurricular activities are used in accordance with the School’s rules and procedures;
18. to conscientiously and consistently implement the principles of environmental sustainability and use energy/power rationally (to turn off the lights, computers, and projectors before leaving the School after working hours);
29. to provide and exchange information with their co-workers in a conscientious and timely manner;
20. to behave responsibly during curricular and extracurricular activities, thus contributing to the reputation of the School;
21. to establish and maintain quality communication with students, parents and associates.
Additionally, all teachers are obligated:
1.come to work at least 10 minutes before their start time at the beginning of the day
2. to grade students and enter their marks on time and in accordance with the Grading Regulations;
3. to regularly submit plans and reports in accordance with the Academic calendar;
4. to regularly attend school staff meetings and professional development training;
5. to cooperate with other employees of the School on the organisation of curricular and extracurricular activities.
Article 13
Teachers and other employees of the School should maintain their personal hygiene and the cleanliness of their clothes and shoes.
Article 14
- Inappropriate clothing for teachers includes:
- inappropriately short skirts or trousers (thigh length);
- blouses and tops with gaping necklines or straps;
- extremely short or transparent blouses and tops;
- flip-flops and slide sandals;
- torn jeans;
- transparent or torn clothes;
- oversized jewellery;
- head covering (caps, beanies, scarves, etc.);
- sports team logos, emblems and jerseys.
Teachers wearing any of the articles listed above shall be considered inappropriately dressed.
Article 15
All members of the school community must inform the administration about any change that may potentially cause the disturbance or threaten the safety at School without delay.
Students conduct
Article 16
Each teacher will establish appropriate procedures for discipline in the classroom, based on the following guidelines that explain the students’ obligations.
Students are obligated:
- to abide by this Code and other general acts of the School on the School premises and the schoolyard, or other places where educational work takes place, as well as on their way to and from School;
- to abide by the decisions of the School bodies;
- to act according to the instructions of the administration, class teachers, teachers and expert associates;
- to respect other students, class teachers and other employees of the School;
- to respect the authority of teachers and administration;
- to behave courteously toward other students, School employees, parents and third parties on the School premises and other places where educational work takes place, as well as on their way to and from School;
- to speak to the teachers and class teachers, and if necessary, other employees of the School about solving issues pertaining to their relationship with other students, teachers, parents or third parties;
- to conscientiously report any form of violence on the School premises by informing the administration;
- to regularly attend lessons and other forms of educational work and to conscientiously fulfil their academic obligations;
not to be late for lessons or other forms of educational work; - to come to lessons prepared, using the teaching aids necessary for following lessons;
- to conscientiously work on acquiring knowledge, skills and values prescribed in the School curriculum;
- to monitor their own progress and inform their class teachers, subject teachers and parents about it;
- to display their actual knowledge in the assessment process without the use of copying, crib notes or other forms of illicit assistance;
- not to disturb lessons and knowledge acquisition of other students with their disruptive behaviour in the classroom or other places where instruction is carried out;
- not to use the school computers or personal mobile devices in lessons for activities that were not approved by the teacher;
- not to leave class or other forms of instruction without prior permission of the class/subject teacher;
- not to leave the school grounds during the school day without permission from the administration;
- to wear the School uniform during curricular and extracurricular activities, and come to School appropriately dressed (avoiding transparent, short or torn clothes);
- to wear closed-toed shoes;
- not to have notebooks, albums, magazines, backpacks, etc. that carry pictures or slogans referring to alcohol. gang or drug culture, or that have profanity or obscenities on them;
- not to use profanity, abusive, or slang language;
- not to show affection for each other through excessive physical contact on campus or at school activities;
- to abide by the hands-off policy and keep their hands off other students’ property unless the student has been given specific permission by the property owner;
- to inform their parents in a timely manner so they could justify their absences with appropriate documentation;
- to take care of the School property, cleanliness and appearance of the School premises;
- to take care of the environment and behave in accordance with the rules of environmental ethics;
- to refrain from making unauthorised changes in the school records;
- to refrain from gum chewing, eating or drinking in the classroom;
- to comply with the ban of mobile phones and other devices that may interrupt teaching in class, unless a class or subject teacher allows it for instructional purposes;
- not to carry weapons, pyrotechnic devices and other objects that can be used to inflict injuries, endanger the lives of students and employees or damage the property of the School and the personal property of individuals in the School building, on their way to and from school, or in other places where instruction is carried out;
- not to use tobacco, alcohol, narcotics or other substances in the School building or in other places where educational work takes place, and not to encourage other students to use them;
- not to provoke fights, participate in fights or encourage others to engage in any form of violence;
- not to express any kind of national, racial, religious intolerance or other discriminatory behaviour;
- to use a vocabulary appropriate for the school environment, without curses and derogatory names;
- to comply with the dates of the scheduled oral and written examinations, as well as other significant dates defined in the school calendar, and to refrain from deliberate absenteeism.
Article 17
Any disruption or disturbance by the student will result in an appropriate disciplinary consequence for their action. The student will be referred to the administration by the teacher immediately.
If the description persists, the student’s parents will be notified.
Repeated referrals may result in in-school or out-of-school suspensions. The following fees will be assessed for in-school suspensions:
- 1st offence: $100 per day
- 2nd offence: $150 per day
Students are required to comply with the School Code of Conduct and not to disrupt instruction in other classes.
Article 18
School attendance of 900 academic hours or 175 days is required to meet the State of Florida attendance guidelines. Students must be in attendance, or provide a medical excuse, or a parental excuse that is approved by the administration.
Parents are required to call the school office by 9:30 AM when their child is sick, tardy, or absent for any reason. Students are allowed 20 absences per year, and a total of 4 excused tardy days per quarter. Any student who is absent more than 20 times per year, or who is tardy more than 4 times each nine weeks must make up the time after regular school hours. A student will be assigned a detention on the day that the 4th tardy occurs. For every absence over 20, the student must attend one day of summer school at the end of the school year, or night school from 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM to make up the equivalent hours. There will be a per diem charge for the make-up time. A student’s grades are affected by absences. Eight absences will result in a grade going down one letter.
A tardy is defined as being late to school anywhere from 1 to 45 minutes of 1st period. Students are expected to be in class on time with all their materials when the second bell rings. If a student arrives late to school, a written note, or a phone call from the student’s parent to the administration may excuse the tardiness.
The ability to have a tardy excused by a parent is reserved for true emergencies and subject to interpretation by the administration. The morning tardies will be recorded by the main office personnel and will include the time the tardy pass was issued.
Four tardy times will earn a detention. Detentions and school attendance will be calculated according to this record.
Each detention earned costs $18 and will appear on the monthly statement.
Article 19
If the pattern of tardiness continues, the student might forfeit the credit for 1st period and be forced to make up the credit during summer school.
After a student has accrued 4 hours of tardy related detentions during a grading period the student’s parents will be contacted by an administrator to discuss the severity of the issue at hand. If the problem persists then a conference with the Principal will be scheduled to discuss the problem and find an immediate resolution.
Article 20
If students are not in their classroom seats by the time the second bell rings, they are considered tardy. Each teacher will be responsible for maintaining the record of student tardies.
After 4 tardies per class the students will earn a detention. If a pattern of tardiness continues, then the parents will be contacted by an administrator to discuss the issue. If this does not resolve the issue, then a parent conference with the Principal will take place and further disciplinary measures will be taken.
Excessive classroom tardiness can result in a suspension that can be part of the student’s permanent file. Not serving a detention can also result in more severe consequences including, but not limited to additional hours of detention, in school suspensions, out of school suspensions, as well as other disciplinary procedures.
Article 21
When school periods are over, students are to leave the School in a quiet and orderly manner.
School cannot be held accountable for what happens outside the School premises, because it falls outside of its jurisdiction.
Student uniform
Article 22
All students are required to wear the prescribed school uniform.
Allison Academy maintains that students’ dress and appearance should contribute to a positive image of the school and the students.
Students will purchase and wear the school uniform daily. All students need to purchase the school sweatshirt for cooler days.
Parents are advised to use an indelible marker to label the student’s clothing so it can be identified and returned.
Article 23
Students should maintain their personal hygiene and the cleanliness of their clothes and shoes.
Article 24
Appropriate clothing and looks for students include:
- Khaki uniform slacks or shorts, for girls and boys, proper fit, worn at waist with no underwear showing, purchased from Continental Uniform, Inc, or may be Old Navy, Walmart, Docker, or Dickie brand uniform style slacks with no cargo pockets.
- All clothing must fit appropriately.
- Khaki skirts or Capri pants (for girls).
- Belts required if pants are too large.
- Sweatshirts purchased from Continental Uniform, Inc. with Allison Academy name and logo.
- Seniors will be allowed the privilege of designing and purchasing senior sweatshirts or jackets.
- Burgundy, white, or forest green polo style, collared shirts, with the Allison Academy logo purchased from Continental Uniform, Inc.
- Shoes: closed-toed sneakers, loafers, or walking shoes (sandals, flip-flops or clogs are unacceptable).
- Socks are required.
- Jewelry or accessories that distract from the learning process will need to be removed and placed in the student’s locked locker for safe keeping or given to administration until the end of the school day.
- Nose rings are not permitted.
- Jewelry may not be worn to physical education classes as it can cause harm to the student and others.
- No unnatural hair color, hair pieces or dreadlocks to be worn.
- Hair must be well kept and presentable to the discretion of the administration.
- No hats, caps, headbands, or elastic rubber bands to be worn in hair.
Any items of clothing not specified above are unacceptable and will result in the student being held in the office until proper attire can be brought from home, or the student can be properly dressed in clothing from the school uniform room. If students must be dressed from the uniform room, the parents will be charged $5 for each garment.
If clothing cannot be fitted from the uniform room, and proper attire is not brought to school, the student will be sent home for the day, with the student receiving an “F” in each class missed.
Uniforms are not to be altered in any fashion without permission from administration.
Code of Conduct Violation
Article 25
If a student violates the rules of conduct, disregards the decisions of the administration and the School bodies, if they are unjustifiably absent, if their behaviour threatens others in exercising their rights, the School is obligated, in cooperation with the student’s parents or guardians, to implement enhanced supervision and pedagogical work within form lessons, through the expert work of the class teacher, counsellor, psychologist, and special teams, and if necessary, cooperate with the appropriate social and healthcare institutions in order to provide support to the student and address their behaviour.
Article 26
Students shall be held accountable for any breach of obligations, and subject to disciplinary and substantive liability, as defined in the School’s regulations.
Tier 1 Infractions
Article 27
Serious infractions that intrude upon the educational process of fellow students or the orderly pattern of campus life will result in immediate expulsion:
- Possession of a weapon or explosives;
- Threat of physical harm by use of weapon;
- Striking a faculty or staff member;
- Gang affiliation;
- Use or possession of any illicit drug.
- Being under the influence is considered use of any illicit drug;
- Profanity and/or obscenity directed at a faculty or staff member.
Allison Academy has a zero-tolerance policy on the above behaviors with no second chances. All Tier 1 offenses carry an immediate expulsion. The incident will be part of the student’s permanent record for the remainder of their educational career.
Once dismissed (expelled), a student must leave campus immediately, unless the Principal has granted an extension.
Expelled students forfeit their right to a school yearbook.
All school property must be returned, locker must be emptied, and student I.D. card surrendered.
A dismissed student may not return to campus without a specific appointment with a member of the school’s faculty or administration.
Allison Academy does not use Corporal Punishment as a consequence for unacceptable behaviors
Tier 2 Infractions
Article 28
Tier 2 Infractions include:
- Fighting
- Computer hacking
- Destruction of school property (including vandalism and graffiti)
- Stealing
- Tampering with the fire alarm system
- Harassment
- Threat of physical harm towards student/adult
- Verbal or physical conflict with a student or faculty member
- Cheating
- Disrespectful behavior demonstrated toward any faculty membe
- Selling of any items on school property, unless specific approval has been granted
- Possession of any tobacco/vaping product or device
- Smoking, chewing or vaping tobacco or any other products (even in a car on school grounds)
- Rudeness or discourteousness
- Plagiarism
- Verbal abuse
- Obscenity/ethnic, racial, or religious slurs
- Leaving campus without permission
- Walking out of the school doors to go to car during the school day
- Walking out the door during school hours
- Automotive violation: Driving recklessly or speeding out of the parking lot
- Disorderly conduct/disruptive behavior (campus, bus, or off-campus activities)
- Class disruption.
Tier 2 Behavioral infractions carry penalties of detentions and suspensions:
- The person who starts the fight will receive three days’ out of school suspension, and the person who retaliates will receive a one day out of school suspension, regardless of the sources of conflict, since we cannot allow fighting to be an acceptable response.
- Persistent disruptive behavior will result in an in-school suspension at a cost of $100 per day.
Tier 3 Infractions
Article 29
Tier 3 infractions include:
- Gum Chewing
- Public display of affection
- Lying
- Congregating in groups in the bathroom – one 1 person present is allowed
- Use of Profanity on school grounds
- Attending school functions on or off campus after missing classes
- Possession or misuse of a laser light pen
- Gambling and card playing
- Cutting Class (per period)
- Failing to serve detentions
- Spitting
Cutting Classes (per period) will result in grades being lowered one letter each 8 unexcused absences.
Article 30
Suspended students may not participate in school activities (on – or off-campus) during their suspension.
Article 31
After a behavioral infraction has occurred, the student will be seen by an administrator and the incident will be documented on an Official Documentation Form and placed in the student’s personal file. During the meeting consequences for the infraction will be issued, and parents will be notified of the course of action that will take place.
If a student has received more than one Official Documentation Form throughout the school year, they will then be seen by the Principal and have the forms added to their permanent record.
Students who receive 2 Official Documentation Forms in their permanent file can be expelled immediately due to the pattern of misbehavior. This decision will be made by the administration.
Behavioral records are maintained by administration and any student who is suspended a total of three times during a school year will be expelled.
The administration reserves the right to expel a student from Allison Academy who will not accept the above code of conduct. Any action by a student and/or student’s parents, which seriously interferes with Allison Academy’s ability to accomplish its educational goals, may be grounds for immediate dismissal.
Article 32
A teacher may assign a student an after-school detention for homework or behavioral issues. Students will be notified immediately of the detention and the parents will be contacted by the teacher.
Unless the parent has previous plans for the student, the student will remain after school that same day.
If the parent is unable to accommodate the student’s detention on that day, a time will be set, preferably the next day for the student to serve the detention. The teacher will determine the time required for the detention. If the student does not serve a Teacher’s Detention, teachers will refer the student to an administrator for insubordination.
Pedagogical and Disciplinary Measures
Article 33
Students shall be held responsible for the breaches of the following prohibitions:
- prohibition of discrimination;
- prohibition of violence and abuse;
- prohibition of discriminatory behaviour, shaming, humiliation or violation of personal dignity.
Article 34
Tier 1 offenses carry an immediate expulsion. The incident will be part of the student’s permanent record for the remainder of their educational career.
Article 35
Tier 2, Tier 3 offenses and prohibitions listed in the Article 32 will result in detention or suspension.
Persistent disruptive behavior will result in an in-school suspension at a cost of $100 per day.
Article 36
The class teacher, teacher or other person that possesses the information about an infraction is to inform the administration that there is a valid reason to suspect the student has committed a breach of the student obligations, or violation of the prohibitions. If the reasons stated in the proposal for the initiation of the pedagogical-disciplinary procedure are justified, the administration shall issue a conclusion on the initiation of a pedagogical-disciplinary procedure.
The initiation of a pedagogical-disciplinary procedure shall be delivered to the student and his/her parents.
Substantive Liability of Students
Article 37
Students, or their parents, are liable for any material damage to the School property caused intentionally or in gross negligence by the student.
Bullying, harassment and abuse
Article 38
Allison Academy is committed to maintaining an atmosphere in which all members of our community are treated with respect and dignity. Bullying undermines these objectives and will not be tolerated.
In certain circumstances, perpetrators of such behavior could find themselves subjected to criminal proceedings.
Allison Academy will not tolerate physical, social, emotional, or sexual harassment. Proven allegations of harassment will be promptly investigated, giving due regard to the need for confidentiality.
If the party deemed guilty of harassment is a student, the range of punishment could include verbal and written reprimand, in-school, or out-of-school suspensions, change of placement, and/or expulsion.
Article 39
The repeated use by one or more students of a written, verbal, electronic or digital expression, or a physical act or gesture or any combination thereof, directed at a victim that:
- causes physical or emotional harm to the victim or damage to the victim’s property;
- places the victim in reasonable fear of harm to himself or of damage to his property;
- creates a hostile environment at school for the victim;
- infringes on the rights of the victim and substantially disrupts the education process of the school.
Article 40
Harassment is when a person continually teases, annoys, threatens, or insults another person in either a verbal, physical or written manner.
Sexual Harassment is defined as any physical, verbal, and/or graphic sexual advance, request for sexual favors, and other sexually oriented conduct, which is offensive or objectionable to the recipient.
Sexual harassment is when a person bothers another person using sexual words, pictures, gestures or conduct that the other person would find offensive.
Sexual harassment can occur when a person is forced by location or situation to see or overhear sexual comments, gestures or conduct that the person finds offensive.
Allegations of sexual harassment can have serious consequences for the party deemed guilty.
Article 41
A person is being harassed if one or more of the following are occurring, and this behavior is unwanted and unwelcome:
- Sexual comments, jokes, or gestures.
- Suggestive comments or relating sexual exploits within hearing of other individuals.
- Spreading sexual rumors about a person.
- Being “sexually rated” by an individual, for example, on a scale from 1 – 10.
- Being pressured to go out with someone.
- Being the recipient of whistles, jeers, or catcalls.
- Being touched, grabbed, or pinched in a sexual way.
- Being intentionally brushed up against in a sexual way.
- Having clothing pulled at in a sexual way.
- Being shown, given, or left sexual pictures, photographs, illustrations, messages, or notes.
- Being forced (because of their location) to view centerfolds, photographs, posters, or drawings of a sexual nature.
- Having one’s path blocked in a sexual manner
- Placing messages/graffiti written about a person on a computer screen, bathroom walls, in locker rooms, etc.
- Being forced to kiss someone.
- Being forced to do something sexual other than kissing.
- Being called a gay or a lesbian.
- Having clothing pulled off, down, or exposing oneself.
- Being spied on while dressing or showering.
- Requesting sexual favors.
Article 42
Harassment is strictly prohibited. The person being harassed must tell the harasser to stop. If the harassment continues, make a written record of the incident including the date, time, witness/witnesses, and parties involved in the incident. Report the incident immediately to an adult or the administration.
Article 43
Confidentiality must be maintained as much as possible during any harassment investigation.
Confidentiality is maintained when the identity of the people involved or the circumstances surrounding the incident are kept private. The confidentiality is not maintained if the harasser’s identity is told to another student or a friend.
Article 44
Retaliation is to hurt someone or do something harmful to someone because they have done or said something hurtful to you. When a person is alleged to have engaged in any sexual harassment, the common reaction of that person is to be angry and want to pay them back (retaliate). Retaliation must not occur.
Article 45
It is strongly advised to all students to keep their hands to themselves and think before saying something inappropriate in order to minimize the risk of being accused of harassment.
It is strongly prohibited to:
- touch anyone in an inappropriate way;
- keep asking a person to go out with you after that person has said “No”;
- be in a room alone with a person with the door closed;
- make remarks that have harassing overtones or implications.
Article 46
Harassment must be reported to a teacher or an administrator without delay. Harassment mustn’t be ignored.
Article 47
As required by the Florida Statute, the School is required to provide the following information about the sex offenders:
Parents, students, and employees should regularly visit the public registry to review it for individuals who may have prior criminal records and sex offenses. Information concerning registered sex offenders and predators in Florida may be obtained by visiting, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Sexual Offenders database. Information may also be obtained by contacting the FDLE’s toll free telephone number: 1-888-FL-PREDATOR (1-888-357-7332).
Article 48
Florida State Law requires mandatory reporting of all cases of child abuse. This applies to suspected as well as confirmed reports against any person, regardless of occupation, who is alleged to be involved or any person who is alleged to have committed any act of child abuse.
The 1995 Legislature changed the law concerning mandatory reports of child abuse, neglect, or abandonment. It is no longer possible for you to anonymously report child abuse, neglect, or abandonment to the Florida Abuse Hotline. The new law requires that you provide your name when calling 1-800-96ABUSE. Your name will be held in confidence.
Steps to be followed in reporting child abuse:
- Call 1-800-962-2873
- Notify the Principal or Designee
- Complete HRS form within 48 hours
Legal Protection of Students
Article 49
The student, or their parents have the right to file a complaint to the administration.
School community members are encouraged to first address their concerns with the individual they have a concern with before escalating the issue into a formal complaint.
Article 50
Complaints by students or their parents regarding the teaching process, subject grades, teachers, the organisation and implementation of the curriculum or any form of discrimination are to be submitted to the administration.
Complaints based on Paragraph 1 of this article are submitted in written form not later than 3 days following the event in question.
Complaints based in Paragraph 1 of this article can be submitted in one of the following three ways:
- in writing, via the School’s email address;
- in writing, at the school premises.
Article 51
Complaints stipulated in Article 48 are responded to by the school administration, not later than 5 days after the day the complaint was filed.
In the event of a complaint regarding the behaviour of the teacher, the school administration referred to in Paragraph 1 of this article will respond to the complaint within 15 days.
The school administration, as applicable, shall initiate or cause to be initiated an adequate, reliable and impartial investigation and grant a conference with the complainant unless the parties mutually agree that the matter can be handled adequately through a communication.
Complaints regarding the school administration’s response to a complaint can be filed with the School Board within 5 workdays.
The School Board is obliged to respond to the complaint within 15 days of filing the complaint.
Article 52
The complainant shall be permitted to present any information, documents or witnesses that are relevant to the complaint, provided that such presentation is in compliance with applicable law.
Article 53
If your complaint is about treatment, conduct, accident reporting, behavior, staff ratios or any non-food or environmental issue, please contact the school directly, their accrediting agency, or the Office of Independent or Parental Choice at the Department of Education.
Automobile Guidelines
Article 54
Drivers are expected to follow the rules of safe driving and common courtesy.
Drivers must enter and leave the parking lot and exit alley at 15 miles per hour, as required by law for school zones. Students who drive recklessly will be prohibited from driving to school.
Student parking is available in the main parking lot.
No loitering in vehicles is permitted in the morning before school or after school is over at the end of the day. Students are not allowed to go out to their cars during the school day, without special permission.
If an emergency occurs that requires a student to go to their car, special permission must be given by an administrator, and the student must be escorted to their vehicle by a staff member.
Field Trips
Article 55
Field trips for students are considered a valuable educational experience. Several major field trips are planned each year. Trips are chosen for their educational value and to enrich the students’ opportunities to expand their knowledge of South Florida and the environment, as well as provide culturally enriching activities.
In the spring, a foreign travel trip, usually ten days, is taken by a select group of students. Student conduct on all field trips must follow the school rules and guidelines.
Students are representing Allison Academy and must act in a manner that demonstrates respect and knowledge of proper manners and conduct.
Personal Belongings
Article 56
School locks and lockers will be assigned during the week before school begins, or when the student enrolls. Students must use an Allison Academy combination lock.
If a lock is lost, the student will be charged $6.00.
All other locks are unacceptable and will be removed unless the student supplies the administration with a key.
The school is not responsible for items stolen from lockers, or for locks that become misplaced, stolen, or damaged. Students must maintain the assigned locker unless a change is approved by the administrator in charge of lockers. Students should go to lockers in the morning, before school starts at lunch, and after school.
Students are not to be excused to go to lockers during their class periods.
All students’ lockers and book bags are subject to search without warning, with reasonable suspicion, pursuant to State of Florida law FSS 2321.250.
On school property or within 1000 ft of the school property, the following is strictly unacceptable and prohibited:
- weapons of any kind,
- pocket knives,
- water pistols,
- cigarettes, of any kind
- cigarette lighters,
- any objects that could be used to distract or cause harm to another person.
Article 57
All students are encouraged to leave their valuable items/jewelry and cash more than $20.00 at home.
Should such items be brought to campus, the school will not assume responsibility, unless the valuables have been left in the administrative office with the administrator’s knowledge and approval.
All students are provided a locker and lock to secure any valuable items.
Article 58
Lost and found articles should be turned into the main office. Students wishing to reclaim articles should do so before or after school or during their lunch period.
Technology and Internet Conduct Requirements
Article 59
Allison Academy provides internet access to students and supplies computers for students’ use during the school day. The sole purpose of our computing facilities is to support academic endeavors.
Students must be aware of the legal and moral responsibility for ethical conduct in the use of technology.
Allison Academy’s computer systems are subject to all applicable federal, state, and international computer laws, which may be referenced online in the Florida State Statutes and the Florida Computer Crimes Act.
Article 60
The students will be able to access their textbooks, workbooks, worksheets, and relevant video presentations.
Each student must purchase a USB storage device to store any information that is vital to their academic requirement.
The following guideline must be adhered to:
- Computers are for academic purposes only and are to be used for teacher related learning activities;
- Using computers in school for anything other than school-related business will be a violation of school policy, and violations could result in a suspension or expulsion from school;
- Social networking sites are never to be accessed in class and/or at school;
- Personal email accounts may not be accessed for sending or receiving emails;
- Teachers will assign computers to students for class use. It is the responsibility of each student to handle the assigned computer carefully and responsibly;
- Accessing or attempting to access another student’s data or information without proper authorization is prohibited;
- Violating federal copyright laws or the Allison Academy policy is prohibited;
- Students will turn their assigned computers in at the end of each class.
From home, students may use their personal computers to access their textbooks and homework assignments by entering their codes.
Personal computers are not permitted at school.
Article 61
Students must turn in their cell phones to the administration every morning in the lunchroom before attending class or to the main office after 1st period has begun.
The phones are filed in an expandable file in a zip lock plastic bag labeled with the student’s name. The phones remain in a secure office until the end of the school day when the phones are returned to the students.
If any student is caught using their phone on school grounds, their phones will automatically be confiscated and turned into the office. It will then be the responsibility of the parent to come and pick up the phone no matter the number of occurrences.
Allison Academy does not take responsibility for mobile phones and therefore is not liable if the mobile phone is lost, damaged or stolen. That responsibility lies with the student.
Article 62
Audio and video cameras are installed in all public areas of the building, and on the exterior. The cameras are for the purpose of security and will only be reviewed at the discretion of the administration or by an outside professional.
There is no privacy throughout the public area of the school except in the restrooms.
Conduct of Parents and Third Parties
Article 63
Parents and third parties (hereinafter: other persons) are obligated to adhere to the Code and other general acts of the School.
Article 64
Upon entering the School building, other persons are obligated to report to the security person on duty or administration.
Article 65
Other persons are obligated to courteously toward the students, employees and other persons in the School building.
Article 66
In addition to obligations common to all other persons, parents are obligated to do the following:
- to inform the School in a timely manner about their child’s inability to attend classes, and to justify their absences within the set timeframe;
- to come to School at the invitation of the School bodies, counsellor, psychologist or teachers;
- to participate in enhanced pedagogical supervision of their child at the invitation of the School bodies;
- to regularly settle their contractual financial obligations toward the School;
- to regularly attend parent-teacher conferences and show interest in their child’s academic performance and behaviour.
Article 67
Parents and third parties are not allowed to:
- bring weapons, or other objects that can be used to inflict injuries or endanger the lives of the students and employees, or cause damage to the School property;
- smoke on the School premises, which includes: all enclosed working and public spaces, every other enclosed space connected to them (hallways, stairways, common
- rooms, toilets, waiting rooms, student club, auxiliary objects, rented space, etc.), schoolyard;
- bring or use alcohol, opiates, narcotics and/or other psychoactive substances;
- to come to the School premises inappropriately dressed (including: short trousers, shorts, three-quarter length trousers, sleeveless tops, crop shirts and tops, transparent
- clothing, miniskirts, slide sandals, etc.), or to wear clothes that express their political, religious or other personal affiliations;
- to make unauthorised recordings on the School premises and the facilities where the teaching takes place.
In the events of items 1-4, parents and third parties are prohibited from entering the School.
Final Provisions
Article 68
Link Group North America, LLC reserves the right to modify, amend, delete, or add to this handbook at any time as it deems necessary.
Kseniia Galustian
Contact Kseniia for all enrollment information!